
Airtable sync is only available a field that has customer resource and JSON value type.

FieldRAven: Airtable sync is only available a field that has customer resource and JSON value type.

1. If you don't already have an account, create an account and then:

  1. Create an empty base

  2. Rename first table column/field to match your incoming data first key

  3. Delete the fields/columns that Airtable created by default and create your own fields/columns

  4. Make sure the type of the field/column matches the types of your incoming data values

FieldsRaven: Create an empty Airtable base
1.Create an empty base
2.rename first column to match your incoming data first key
3.Delete the fields/columns that Airtable created by default and create your own fields/columns
Final table headers

Create personal access token, make sure that the scope includes data.records read/write and schema.bases read/write

Airtable personal access token settings
Airtable personal access token settings

Make sure the PAT you are creating has access to the base/app you want FieldsRaven to sync with

Raven setup

Raven: Airtable setup

Grab Airtable app ID and table ID from the url

Airtable table header fields

Add your Airtable header fields into the raven, separate each field by a comma


FieldsRaven will validate all Airtable settings before creating the Raven, if any of the settings is invalid, you'll get an error message

Airtable automations

Syncing your metafields with Airtable gives you access to all of the automations – depending on your Airtable plan – that Airtable has to offer, it's pretty powerful.

Last updated