
To sync Shopify metafields with Klaviyo you need to create a "Private API Key" in Klaviyo

It takes about 10 seconds after the Shopify metafiled is created/updated for the KlaviyoSync job to kick in

Sync Shopify metafield into Klaviyo customer profile

When you sync a metafield into Klaviyo's customer profiles, property name in Klaviyo will be the metafield's key in Shopify. For example if you're syncing this metafield customer.metafields.social_media_profiles.facebook then property name in Klaviyo will be facebook

Sync Shopify JSON metafield into Klaviyo customer profile

When you sync a JSON type metafield, each property of the JSON object gets converted into a customer property in Klaviyo, this object:

  "facebook": "Share on Facebook",
  "twitter": "Tweet on Twitter",
  "pinterest": "Pin on Pinterest",
  "timestamp": `${Date.now()}`

Or this:

  "Serial Number": "000123456789",
  "Country of Residence": "Canada",
  "Where did you purchase your meter?": "Amazon"

Becomes as follows in Klaviyo:

Nested JSON metafield


  "name": "Ram",
  "age": 27,
  "vehicles": {
    "car": "limousine",
    "bike": "ktm-duke",
    "plane": "lufthansa"
  "name": "Ram",
  "age": 27,
  "vehicles": ["limousine", "ktm-duke", "lufthansa"]

Array of JSON metafields

    "name": "Martha",
    "age": 37,
    "other": {
      "Favorite color": "Blue",
      "Vehicle": "2009 SSC Aero",
      "GUID": "890d954a-4a57-4659-b10d-e16427358b99"
    "name": "Bonnie",
    "age": 29,
    "other": {
      "Favorite color": "Orange",
      "Vehicle": "1998 Daewoo Prince",
      "GUID": "b902c384-2e1c-44de-a8d3-59b92a2afddd"
    "name": "Bridgette",
    "age": 41,
    "other": {
      "Favorite color": "Purple",
      "Vehicle": "1997 Suzuki Cappuccino",
      "GUID": "aad8ceb9-566e-4b9f-a64a-23af8671eb96"

Last updated