Create a list.product_reference metafield

The type of the metafield you're going to create depends on the Raven carrying the message. If the value you're sending doesn't match the value type expected, the request will result in an error.

List metafields enable you to store multiple values in a single metafield. The maximum number of values that can be stored in a metafield list is 128. The value must be provided as a JSON array.

<!-- JavaScript + Liquid -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  fieldsRavenSubmit = (value) => {
    const ravenObj = {%- render 'raven-mac-gen', resource_id:, raven_id: 'TBD' -%}
    const valueObj = { value: value };
    const requestParams = { raven: Object.assign({}, ravenObj, valueObj) };
    const response = fetch('/apps/raven/create_metafield', {
      method: 'PUT',
      headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
      body: JSON.stringify(requestParamsOne)

      .then(res => res.json())
      .then(resJson => console.log('resJson: ', resJson))

<!-- HTML -->
<button id="fieldsraven-demo" onclick="ravenSubmit('[product_1_id, product_2_id]')">Send the Raven!</button>

Last updated